Join the Study

Join the Study

We want to hear from you.

Contribute to Our Study on PrEP Promotion in the Deep South

Share your perception of HIV prevention and PrEP.

The goal of our study is to understand how PrEP can be promoted authentically and affirmingly in Southern communities. We want to hear from gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men on what they want from messaging about HIV prevention and how they want to receive such information. We’re focused on recognizing, understanding, and including the lived experiences of the community as we learn what topics the community wants HIV prevention messaging to include, and what methods and channels of information matter most. We hope to understand what factors affect PrEP messaging by better understanding what HIV prevention information matters to gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Southern communities, and how they acquire that information. With a dedication to genuine representation and community participation, we can create and promote impactful, uplifting, and affirming messages about PrEP. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men who are self-reported HIV negative and ages 18 to 39 are eligible to participate. Join our study and Amplify Our Voice!

Understanding & Empowering
Authentic PrEP Promotion Messaging

The study will explore individual perspectives on HIV PrEP promotion and messaging. By joining the study, participants will contribute through a one-time, online survey. All participants are eligible to be compensated for their time and contribution. If you would like to participate, then click below to review the information and contribute your unique and important perspective—together we’re Amplifying Our Voice.

We’re seeking input from a range of men to contribute to our study. Participants should be self-reported HIV-negative persons, ages 18-39 who are gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men. Participants have the option to remain anonymous if they are uncomfortable with submitting their personal information. With direct input from community members, we can create more meaningful and empowering HIV prevention messages with the goal of increasing PrEP uptake.

By using interviews and surveys, our study will determine a foundation for more effective HIV prevention messages that are affirming and uplifting for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Southern communities.

This study is dedicated to promoting PrEP by gaining a direct perspective from a community of GBM in Southern communities. Learn more by viewing our available resources.

If you have any questions or are unsure about how you can participate but would like to, please feel free to reach out to us!

Join Our Study and Share Your Perspective on PrEP HIV Prevention